About Me

I'm Justine, I am a self-taught artist who lives in the the beautiful Garden of England - Kings Hill,West Malling, Kent. From the age of eight I have loved drawing wildlife, but it wasn`t until recently, while in lockdown I truly found a passion for art and drawing, and in particular animals from the surrounding countryside in which I live.
I love to draw photo realistic images; the vibarancy and depth of the colours of my favorite medium, coloured pencils, enables me to capture the nature of these beautiful creatures.

I discovered that while drawing I could completely switch off my thoughts and allow myself to let go and connect to the process. Drawing has become my meditation and therapy!
I have always been connected to all nature and was lucky to spend my childhood playing within the fields and woodland by my home in Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent. A very big part of the inspiration for my artwork comes from my memories of the sounds, smells, wildlife, wildflowers, trees and changing seasons I encountered. I believe nature is the biggest teacher and healer. It wasn't school that prepared me for life, it was nature.